There is no doubt that the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has started to leave its tangible effects outside the borders of the two countries. This raging war has hit many global economies and left them bewildered with anticipation and waiting.
Perhaps what is striking today is the wheat markets and what they have become as a result of this conflict, as they lost a third of their supplies in a few weeks, and began to strike with their threats the depth of global food security and put it in a state of swing, which is still recovering from the "Corona" pandemic and its deep ramifications.
What has simply happened is that the two countries' wheat and grain exports have stopped as a result of this war. If we know that Russia and Ukraine export about 37 million tons of wheat annually to the first and 18 million tons to the second, in addition to barley and other grains, we will find that the two countries contribute about 30% of the total world grain exports. This is a very large figure that leads us to realize the extent of the damage and its expected effects in the short term before the long term, especially since the United Nations food price index actually reached its highest level in decades in February.
Of course, the most affected in this case are the countries whose imports depend mostly on the two countries, which are here the countries of the Middle East and Africa, in addition to some other Asian countries, all of which are countries with high population density. Wheat and other grains are the main ingredient in all their diets. Egypt, for example, is the largest importer of wheat in the world. About 70% of its wheat comes from Russia and Ukraine. Tunisia also provides about 80% of its grain needs from these two countries, while Lebanon imports 60% of its wheat from Ukraine. The same applies to many other countries that suddenly find themselves in the dilemma of looking for alternative countries to supply very quickly before they run out of strategic stocks, which at best do not last more than a few months.
This crisis raises an important question for humanity, which is how to reach food sustainability that is capable of facing all challenges, no matter how great and overwhelming their repercussions are?
Of course, the answer is not that easy. The erosion of food security around the world is due to a multitude of factors, including drought and climate change, including high energy and fertilizer costs, but the most important is the lack of clear plans for agricultural development in the countries most in need of those plans.
The solution here lies at the heart of the problem itself, and addressing it part by part is the best way to achieve what is hoped for, that is, all efforts must be focused on finding innovative and sustainable systems to increase agricultural productivity in various countries of the world without compromising the environment and natural resources. This is achieved first by strengthening research activity in the agricultural field, and then expanding the use of modern technologies and artificial intelligence in this field, from aquaculture to organic agriculture, and from vertical agriculture to saline agriculture, in addition to many other methods to develop the global agricultural landscape over the coming decades.
Perhaps the sector that bears the banner here is the education sector. It is responsible for building a sustainable agricultural culture that keeps pace with the requirements of the future and instills it deeply in the minds of young people. The society of tomorrow is a society in which no house is free of responsible farmers who spread the color green everywhere.
Today, more than ever, there is an opportunity to achieve all of the above. The world, which has witnessed great scientific progress over the past decades, has reflected growth at various economic and social levels. Today, it must pay prolonged attention to the agricultural sector, because it is the vital sector that will play the greatest role in creating a hunger-free world in which agriculture contributes to improving living standards for all.
Founder of Suhail Smart Solutions